Reframe Change™

Aha moments guaranteed.

Our Reframe Change™ program is an organisational development that stands out from the crowd. By integrating the human element with cutting-edge insights from neuroscience, sociology, and psychology this is a program that’s guaranteed to shift the way you think about change. It's fun, it's practical, and most importantly, it gets results.
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Our unique approach

People change when it makes sense.

At the heart of building organisational capability is our Reframe Change™ program, which is based on the principle that change happens when people can make sense of it. 


Change is an organisational effort

Wave goodbye to the old-school method of only prepping change and project managers. Reframe Change™ is the all-access pass for every level of your team, embedding a shared language and understanding of change that unites everyone. It’s a holistic approach to change management, addressing not only the technical aspects but also the human and systemic dimensions of change. By incorporating elements such as Systems Thinking, Sensemaking, and Human-Centric Change, the program actively develops the skills and understanding needed to drive, enable, and contribute to change. We make sure everyone has clear roles and knows what’s expected, turning your whole team into active participants in change management. 

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Our Approach

Hits Different exclamation-mark 

Reframe Change™ hits the 'goldilocks' sweet spot in change training by offering just the right mix: comprehensive yet practical, expert-led yet interactive, and scientifically grounded yet easily applicable. It's perfectly calibrated for fast, effective organisational transformation, making it neither too theoretical nor too simplistic, but just right for businesses aiming to navigate change smoothly and efficiently. 



All-Encompassing Change Management: From top executives to frontline staff, our program targets every layer of your organisation, fostering a unified approach to change.


Practical & Science-Driven

Science Meets Strategy: Rooted in the latest neuroscience and sociology research, our program translates complex theories into practical, actionable strategies.


Hands-On Learning

Engage to Learn: Dive into interactive sessions and hands-on workshops led by seasoned practitioners, ensuring a fun, engaging and immersive learning experience.


Fast & Effective Transformation

Swift Capability Building: Achieve rapid, high-impact change readiness in just 8 weeks, designed to deliver efficient and effective transformation across your business.

Ahead of the Curve 

Get Future-fit .

In Demand

The Pearson Skills Outlook*, analysing 21 million job ads across US, UK, Canada and Australia, sheds light on the most in-demand skills shaping today’s and tomorrow’s workforce.

Reframe Change™ hits the mark. As well as building Change Management capability, it also covers 14 of the 18 Power Skills that are all about keeping you ahead of the curve.

This program isn’t just your average run-of-the-mill change management course; it’s a powerhouse for skill-building.

In the race to be future-fit, Reframe Change is like having the best sneakers – you're all set to sprint ahead!

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Power Skills

It’s fast, it’s effective, and it’s got everything to turn your team into future-ready champs. Plus, people love it! This is a program where people leave feeling energised and wanting more. Reframe Change™ builds the following Power Skills: 

  • Communication
  • Attention to Detail
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Personal Learning & Mastery
  • Collaboration
  • Problem Solving
  • Self-sufficiency
  • Change Management
  • Achievement Focus
  • Organisational Skills
  • Agility
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Cultural & Social Intelligence
  • Direction and purpose
  • Sensemaking
  • Systems Thinking
  • Resilience
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Our Approach

How it works exclamation-mark 

Reframe Change™ steadily builds your organisation's change skills, tailored to how fast you want to go. Each part boosts your adapt-and-shift powers, but together, they're like a change-making megaphone, amplifying your ability to transform and grow.

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1. Lay the foundation

Sensemaking is the bedrock of the program, it creates a shared understanding of how change really works, laying a strong foundation for deeper skill building.

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2. Enable change

Those who plan for and facilitate change, learn how to break down complexity, get stakeholders on board and fine-tune change plans that deliver meaningful change experiences.

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3. Drive change

Leaders are empowered with the actionable plans and skills that help them signal their personal commitment to change through words and actions and sustain energy and momentum through setbacks.

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4. Boost contribution

The final piece of the puzzle is where we spread the word, bringing the whole company into the fold and unlocking the speed and effectiveness of change in your organisation.

Fast and actionable

All action, no talk
(okay, maybe a little talk).


Practical Application

Learners engage with real-world case studies, simulations, and hands-on exercises, mirroring workplace challenges. This approach encourages immediate application of concepts to project contexts, fostering deeper understanding and skill development.


Actionable Tools and Frameworks

Reframe Change™ equips learners with simple and actionable tools like BCIP and Change Logic templates, facilitating swift adoption and implementation. Integrated into existing project management and decision-making frameworks, these resources enhance effectiveness in navigating complex challenges.

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Customised Learning Paths

Learners have the flexibility to customise their learning paths based on project needs, focusing on relevant modules and topics. This tailored approach ensures that learners can prioritize areas of immediate relevance, optimising time and effort invested in skill development.


Ongoing Support and Coaching

The program offers continuous support and coaching, with access to expert facilitators, peer learning communities, and resources. Learners receive guidance to address questions, share insights, and troubleshoot challenges encountered during project implementation, enhancing their learning experience.


Reflective Practice

Reframe Change™ promotes reflective practice, encouraging learners to regularly assess progress, identify areas for improvement, and adjust strategies accordingly. This iterative process facilitates continuous learning and refinement of project integration efforts, accelerating skill acquisition and mastery.


Layered Learning Approach

We use a layered learning approach, gradually introducing and reinforcing concepts across modules. This method builds upon foundational knowledge and addresses difficult concepts by deepening insights and practical applications in each module. By systematically layering concepts, the program enhances understanding, making complex ideas more accessible over time.

Module details

Key Outcomes


We'll equip your team leaders to guide others through change with clarity and purpose.

Key outcomes:
  • Alignment: Master the art of aligning words and actions to streamline understanding and minimize confusion.
  • Momentum Building: Acquire effective strategies to kickstart and sustain momentum throughout every stage of change.
  • Communication: Hone advanced communication skills to articulate the vision and goals of change initiatives clearly and persuasively.
  • Leadership: Cultivate leadership prowess to inspire and empower teams through the ups and downs of change.

Mode: Live Online or In Person

Duration: 3 x Half Day

Modules: Sensemaking, Change Catalyst, Momentum Makers


Those who facilitate change learn how to enable change that makes sense.

Key outcomes:
  • Systems Thinking: Master the art of viewing change within the broader organizational system to minimize unintended consequences, mitigate delays, and foster positive employee responses.
  • Change Management: Gain expertise in change management principles and techniques to spearhead effective change endeavors.
  • Problem-Solving: Enhance problem-solving skills to tackle intricate challenges encountered throughout the change process with confidence and ingenuity
  • Adaptability: Cultivate adaptability to navigate changing circumstances and lead successful change initiatives.

Mode: Live Online or In Person

Duration: 3 x Half Day

Modules: Sensemaking, Systems Thinkers, Change Managers


This one’s for everyone.

Key outcomes:
  • Sensemaking: Harness the power to navigate and own the sensemaking journey, fostering deeper understanding and adept adaptation to change.
  • Strengths-Based Approach: Bring unique strengths and diverse perspectives to support organisational change efforts.
  • Collaboration: Develop collaboration skills to work effectively with teams and contribute positively to change initiatives.
  • Personal Accountability: Embrace personal accountability, fueling proactive involvement and continuous self-improvement in change initiatives.

Mode: Live Online or In Person

Duration: 1 x Half Day

Modules: Game Changers, Change Shifters (high level overview of sensemaking is provided) 

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Watch the Webinar

Introducing the Reframe Change™ program.

Join us as we unveil the blueprint to foster resilience, adaptability, and commitment in your organisation through the Reframe Change™ Program.

Your Facilitators 

Delivered with passion.

Meet Kylie Morton, the driving force behind Reframe Change™. With over 15 years of hands-on experience, Kylie is dedicated to transforming how organisations tackle change. Alongside the Synergy IQ team, she brings a blend of expertise, infectious enthusiasm, pragmatic optimism, and relatable humour. Together, they're committed to empowering teams through dynamic training that turns challenges into opportunities for growth. Get ready for a transformative journey where change isn't just manageable—it's empowering.


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The experience was nothing short of incredible and left our team equipped with a valuable set of tools to navigate and support change effectively. The training was a game-changer for my organisation. It was not just informative; it was transformational.
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Stacey Northover

Executive General Manager, Believe Housing

You know, people like to over promise, but they've ticked the box every single time. SynergyIQ care about people as much as we do. We've been delighted with the performance and the partnership.
Testimonial_Craig Carter-min

Craig Carter

Chief Information Officer, ACH Group


Featured resources.

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